Ever since Mac OS X was released, there have been plenty of complaints about the things that Mac OS 9 had, and are “missing” from the new operating system. These Finder labels to pop-up tabbed folders to WindowShade. I can sympathise with these complaints, but for the most part, I’ve rather liked Mac OS X, and haven’t missed most of the missing bits from Mac OS 9. Except one, which I’ve never heard anyone else even mention: InputSprocket.
Let me clarify. I don’t mean the part of the Game Sprockets API that let a developer easily handle input. That was nice, but I don’t care too much how a developer writes a game, so long as they do. No, what I mean is the user interface portion of InputSprocket. Every program that used it (and the more recent Mac OS 8 and 9 games almost all did) had the same, standard, dialog for customizing input controls.
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