My PC has a new desktop background picture, thanks to jk08‘s wonderful post to
Now that I’ve taken care of that, I guess everything’s all ready for my trip to California. Oh, except I guess I should finish packing.
My PC has a new desktop background picture, thanks to jk08‘s wonderful post to
Now that I’ve taken care of that, I guess everything’s all ready for my trip to California. Oh, except I guess I should finish packing.
Do you have a large version of this pic? The original seems to be down on the LJ thread.
the picture is soo cute!!
ow this picture is so cute i want a baby bunny so bad now.
tat bunny is so cute im gettin a bunny soon and i hope it looks like tat one awsome pic!!!!+
tat bunny is so cute i <3 it awesome pic
!!! It’s absolutely adorable!!! I’m just wondering if you knew what type of bunny it is ! I want to keep one at home too ! =)
Thx! Please e-mail me!
that bunny is the cutest one ive ever seen!!!
Love the bunny, We have just bought one just like that, her name is Blossum, she is 5 weeks old, we have had her for 1 week and she lives indoors with us! We have trained her and she is the most perfect little pet we could have picked. Although we dont know what sort of bunny she is, do you have any ideas, seens you have one yourself????
Yo, cmon!! answer Ella’s q.. i wanna kno!!!
It’s not my rabbit, and I’ve never owned one. It’s just a photo I saw on LiveJournal. Sorry!
I think it’s a baby Netherland Dwarf.
hey um btw whut type of bunny is this and do u know anything i can quickly make for the rabbit to play with or to amuse it??? thnx alot plz reply
that pic is soooooooooo cute!i am going to get a baby rabbit just like that one as soon as i have enough money for the supplies.
that was one of the cutest pictures ever!!!!!!
Too cute for words!
Oh my! What a cutie. :)
Ohhhhh, that is sooooo cute! I love bunnies!
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hey, thanks for the answers =) i’ll update if i ever get one or get the actual scientific name for it!
That is one cute bunny wabbit!
that is the most cutest bunny i ever seen!! is sooooooo cute I wanted one like that i hope u still have it because i want to by it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hi its me again i just cant stop looking at it becase it was the cccccccuuuuuuuuuuuttttttttttteeeeeeessssssssssssttttttttttt wabbit I have seen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I relly want that bunny. Plzzzzz, give it to me
that bunny is so cute
awwww….cute bunny
Oh my gosh!!! My rabbit looks exactly the same!! I got my rabbit for christmas and it looks like that rabbit except bigger!!
Oh my gosh I commented back in may but I still can not believe how cute your rabbit is. My rabbit is exactley the same but alot bigger because she is an adult.